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О книге: Why didn't Porthos die? How was Athos saved? Why don't the adventures of the famous four musketeers, d'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis end with the last page of the book "The Vicomte de Bragelonne or another ten years later"? You wi...
О книге: The first book tells that the author of the novel “The Vicomte de Bragelonne” Alexandre Dumas, having heard criticism of the ending of his novel from the young Marquise Dionne de Livry, decided to rewrite it. Contrary to the ...
О книге: The preface to the novel “The Three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas states that this novel is not fiction, but the publication of the true memoirs of Athos, also known as Comte de La Fère. You can easily see this for yo...
О книге: You will find the first 44 chapters in the first book. The second book of Aramis's memoirs describes the period between the end of Alexandre Dumas's novel The Three Musketeers and the beginning of the novel Twenty Years Later. What did...
О книге: The third book of Aramis's memoirs continues to describe the period between the end of Alexandre Dumas's The Three Musketeers and the beginning of Twenty Years Later. The action of the second book ends with the beginning of Saint-Mars' c...
О книге: The fourth book of Aramis's memoirs begins where the action of the novel "Twenty Years Later" begins. The Musketeers meet together only twenty years after they separated. The year is 1649. Retelling the book “Twenty Years Later&rdq...
О книге: The fifth book of the fan fiction “Memoirs of Aramis” tells about the events that occurred between the end of the novel “Twenty Years Later” by Alexandre Dumas and the beginning of the novel “The Vicomte de ...
О книге: The sixth book of the fan fiction “Memoirs of Aramis” tells about the events that occurred during the action of the novel “The Vicomte de Bragelonne or Ten Years Later”, but covers them in a new way. Some minor li...
О книге: The seventh book of the fan fiction “Memoirs of Aramis” tells about the events that occurred after Aramis kidnapped King Louis the Fourteenth and replaced him with his twin brother Philip, who was previously held in the Basti...
О книге: The eighth book of the fan fiction, "Memoirs of Aramis", tells about the events that occurred after the trial of former superintendent of finance Nicolas Fouquet ended, which sentenced him to exile. King Louis XIV , irritated by the leni...
О книге: The ninth book of the fan fiction "Memoirs of Aramis" tells about the events that occurred after Captain d'Artagnan, who prevented Aramis from replacing King Louis XIV with his twin brother, Louis Philippe, repented of this act. The King...
О книге: The ninth book of the fan fiction "The Memoirs of Aramis" tells about the events that took place after Louis XIV secretly returned to the Louvre to reclaim his throne, taken from him by d'Artagnan, who replaced him with his twin brother,...
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