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Описание: The ninth book of the fan fiction "The Memoirs of Aramis" tells about the events that took place after Louis XIV secretly returned to the Louvre to reclaim his throne, taken from him by d'Artagnan, who replaced him with his twin brother, Louis-Philippe. Louis was assisted in this attempt by the famous Duchess Marie de Chevreuse, the widow of two dukes, an eternal intriguer, and a former lover of Aramis and many other famous historical figures.
The Duchess had decided to make a decisive attack on the impostor Philippe, to at least disfigure his face, or at least cover it with bruises and bumps, so that he would not look like the King, at least in case he managed to call the guards to his aid. The cunning Duchess waited for a moment when Captain d'Artagnan was not in Paris. She decided to enter the King's study first, carrying a narrow three-sided dagger, called a stiletto. But to her bitter disappointment, she found in the study not only Philippe, but also, above all, the determined author of memoirs, Aramis, who took the Duchess's dagger from her. The Duchess was horrified. Behind the doors, the real King was waiting for her signal to enter the study and take his place when it was vacated by the impostor twin brother Philippe. She may have already realized that she had lost, but the Duchess was not one of those ladies who gave up easily.
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