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"D'Artagnan and the Iron Mask or Two Years Later - Book 2"

Автор: Вадим Жмудь
Summary of the first book

Summary of the first book

The first book tells that the author of the novel “The Vicomte de Bragelonne” Alexandre Dumas, having heard criticism of the ending of his novel from the young Marquise Dionne de Livry, decided to rewrite it. Contrary to the first version, which describes the deaths of Porthos, Muston, Raoul, Athos and d'Artagnan, in the new version of this ending only Muston truly dies, but he also dies at the wrong moment, and not for the reason described in the first version, and later at the hands of Colbert's spies. The death of the remaining heroes did not happen by luck.

Aramis, having started his adventure of replacing the King with his twin brother Philip, languishing in the Bastille, hoped to become the true king of France, and then aimed to become the Pope. Although he did not succeed, he became quite influential in the politics of Europe, since he took the position of Bishop of Vannes, general of the Jesuit Order, and also Duke of Alameda, Spanish envoy to the court of France.

XIV , who had been returned to the throne, to destroy all his best friends - Athos, Porthos, Aramis and Raoul, decides to hide from the King that Porthos accidentally escaped and not to carry out the King's order, but on the contrary to save Athos and Raoul, however, arriving to the battlefield, he receives erroneous news about the death of Raoul in the battle and the death of Athos from poison. Later, he learns from the envoy Aramis that the same envoy had previously arranged for everyone to decide that Raoul and Athos had died. D'Artagnan decides to inform the King that Athos, Porthos and Raoul died, and brings authentic documents about their deaths, drawn up by those who did not doubt it. D'Artagnan announces that he only has to carry out his orders regarding Aramis. However, the King does not believe d'Artagnan and sets a trap for him and Aramis, dooming them to a painful death in the Bastille from hunger in front of each other. The resourcefulness of Captain d'Artagnan helps him and Aramis escape, after which d'Artagnan comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to bring Aramis's adventurous plan to replace the King with his twin brother to its logical conclusion. However, over time, he realizes that although his choice is the right one to save his friends, it is not the right one from the standpoint of the interests of France, so he allows Louis, who escaped from the abbey, to take his former place on the throne of France. The king pretends to forgive Aramis and d'Artagnan, but the punishing sword of revenge of Louis XIV and Colbert is raised over them. The captain is seriously considering the idea of staging his death, turning to Count Rochefort for help, however, fate itself does everything for him. The circumstances of the captain's injury are such that even Count Rochefort believes that d'Artagnan did not survive and actually died.

As a result of all the adventures, the King and his minister Colbert consider Athos, Porthos, d'Artagnan and Raoul dead. Only the Duchess de Chevreuse, known to readers from the novel “The Three Musketeers” as Marie Michon, Aramis’s beloved and close friend of Queen Anne of Austria, mother of Raoul, Viscount de Bragelonne, knows that Athos and Raoul escaped.

While saving his friends, d'Artagnan also acquired new enemies, among them the du Trabuson family, in which his wife, Madame Olivia, was the main organizer and instigator of all troubles, and her pathetic husband Didier was only her instrument. Their son Auguste was also only the executor of Olivia's will.

At the last meeting of the four friends, readers see that they are being watched by Didier du Trabuson, who previously acted as Colbert's spy. How did this man manage to get out of the Ottoman Empire, where he was given as a eunuch to the influential Ahmed Pasha? Was it Colbert who sent him to spy on his four friends? True, Aramis fired a musket into the bushes where he was hiding, after which a scream came from the bushes. Was du Trabuson saved? What was the letter that Aramis had on his chest that he was afraid of losing? How will the adventures of the four friends develop further? Readers will learn about this from the second book of the dilogy.

Preface by the author

My readers probably remember how the novel Ten Years Later ends. No matter how much I love my heroes, we must remember that all people are mortal, so I tried to describe not only their life, full of incredible adventures, but also their death worthy of all respect, where I showed that until the very last minute of their lives, each of them remained the noblest nobleman, faithful to the duty of honor. But my little tormentor, the charming young Marquise Dionne de Livry, shattered my author’s pride by pointing out to me such inaccuracies in my trilogy about the musketeers that destroy my statement about their faithful friendship, about their eternal motto “One for all and all for one!” She categorically demanded that I redo the ending of the novel, correcting everything that seemed illogical to her and violating the general spirit of the musketeer brotherhood. Unfortunately, her argument was so strong that it did not allow me to brush her off like an annoying fly. At the same time, she demanded that I confirm her “brilliant” guess that Porthos, Raoul, Athos and d’Artagnan did not die as absurdly as I described. The young wretch was so young and so sweet that I didn’t have the heart to argue with her. I frivolously confirmed that I was, supposedly, really writing a sequel, in which I would explain all the inaccuracies of the novel “The Vicomte de Bragelonne,” and also blithely promised to send her the manuscript of this novel. Not being too committed, I thought that I would easily forget my promise, and she herself, having matured, would forget about this conversation. However, the young Marquise Dionne de Livry, as it turned out from her numerous letters, did not forget for a day about the promises I made, and her letters became more and more demanding, and I, due to the weakness of my soul and out of extreme condescension towards young females, who, to my misfortune, pleased me with their childish spontaneity, I could not decisively refuse my promise, and also did not imagine that I would lose these regular letters from the young marquise.

When I once again met my young tormentor, who by this time had already become a charming young mademoiselle, but had not lost her liveliness of mind, I felt that I wanted to please her even more with my writing talent.

- What can you say this time, charming marquise, about the fate of my heroes in my latest work? - I asked, expecting to receive, at least, joyful approval.

“I’ll say that you only listened to some of my comments,” answered the seductive scoundrel.

- Only to some? - I was surprised. — I finished the novel almost entirely according to your recommendations, and still didn’t please you?!

“It’s boring,” the Marquise answered and shrugged. - Raoul is the scheme, Athos is a little better, Porthos is only different from the dry scheme in that it does not digest seafood, and the rest are no better. Some strange personalities appear in the novel, all these du Trabusons and others. You succeeded only in four people: d'Artagnan himself, de Bezmeaux, de Saint-Mars and Louis.

- You are unfair, my dear! - I objected. - And Aramis? And Philip? And Colbert? What about Fouquet? And the Duchess de Chevreuse, after all?

- As soon as you pay attention to one person, you immediately forget about everyone else. All your heroes do is travel from Paris to Pignerol and back! Or even further - to the Greek island of Cyprus or even to Scotland! If you start timing how long each trip should take, then it becomes utter stupidity.

- You won't please, my dear! - I exclaimed. “In that case, I refuse to write further and will destroy what I have already written!” What a blind man I was! A writer should write only what his own imagination tells him, you cannot listen to anyone, you cannot consult with anyone! I will destroy this manuscript, and let everything remain as it was! It's decided! Porthos died in the cave of Lokmaria, Raoul - in the war, Athos in his bed from grief, Muston - while reading the will of the glorious Porthos, and d'Artagnan died - yes, yes! - D'Artagnan is dead! He died from a cannonball, and let's get it over with!

- Ugh, what a hothead you are! - the marquise pouted and stuck out her lower lip in an absolutely charming way. “You don’t tolerate the slightest remark!”

- Yes, yes and yes again! - I said, gradually calming down. - Just think about it! I spent a whole month on this new novel, I was in such a hurry that in some places it consists only of dialogues, I betrayed myself by never describing a single feast! I thought that you would love this work, I thought, damn me, that you would hug me and kiss me at least on the cheek for all my work!..

“That won’t be the case,” said the devilish charm, slid towards me, hugged me tightly and left traces of its wet lips on my right cheek.

“Well…” I muttered. - Of course, I got excited... But explain to me, for God’s sake, what you didn’t like?

“The last chapters,” she said. — You wrote the last chapters in such a way that it is clear to all readers that the novel is coming to an end, all that remains is to put all the characters in their places and close the book.

- But have mercy! - I exclaimed. - After all, this is the law of the genre! Every novel someday comes to its end, and in this ending all conflicts are resolved.

“Firstly, this cannot be said about some of your other novels,” she replied, abruptly returning to her place. - I mean your best novels. Secondly, life does not obey this rule, and the best novel should look not like a novel, but like life! Every time one problem is resolved, another arises, as long as the heroes are alive, this is real life! And you? Everyone is happy, everyone has gone to Scotland, everyone is doing well! From this it is clear that there will be no continuation.

“I didn’t plan it, my dear!” - I answered.

“Well, okay,” she said. - So be it. This means there will be no continuation.

And she looked at me eloquently, so that in her eyes I read: “That kiss on the cheek that you just received from me was the last!”

“I did, however, sketch out some plan for continuing the novel,” I lied. “But you’ve probably convinced me that it’s not worth continuing.”

- I?! Have I convinced you?! - exclaimed the little monster. — I’m trying to convince you to write the next part and somewhat revive those characters in whom I did not see the liveliness that was in your first novels about musketeers! That means you understand me! Lovely!

At the same time, she waved her arms and finished her gesture with her palms facing up, which apparently meant: “Admire this little guy!”

“I seem to be a fetter for your imagination!” - she said and wrinkled her nose. - And I imagined myself to be his muse!

The corners of her eyes sparkled, and I thought with horror that tears might appear in them. I admit, I fear girlish tears even more than morning jogging.

“I swear to you, my dear, that you were my muse!” - I exclaimed, almost without lying. - And I ask you to continue to be so!

- This is true? she asked.

I read my destiny in her eyes.

To me, her question meant about the same as if she had asked: “Do you really prefer to go to heaven rather than hell?”

- My God, of course it’s true! — I answered, almost already believing my own words.

- And you really have a plan for the second volume? she asked.

- How could you doubt it? Of course have! Five whole pages! - I lied, and I believe that I didn’t give myself away in any way.

There are moments when you should be able to lie, and as convincingly as possible. So, here it is, the second part of my novel, written under the pressure of my tormentor and my muse rolled into one.

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D'Artagnan and the Iron Mask or Two Years Later - Book 2

Вадим Жмудь
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