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"Memoirs of Aramis, Book 8"

Автор: Вадим Жмудь
Chapter 316

Chapter 316

D'Artagnan left the King's office in complete despair. The king provided for everything. This time, what appeared before d'Artagnan was not the young boy whom he had once defended from the rebels of the Fronde, and not the inexperienced youth who had gratefully absorbed the advice of an experienced warrior. He was a sober-minded, fully established politician who defends himself and his power, stopping at nothing. He even foresaw a suicide attempt, which d'Artagnan, of course, would have thought about, but he had not yet even had time to consider this option of saving his friends when it turned out that this was not an option at all, that it would not give the desired result. Any attempt by d'Artagnan to save his friends seemed doomed to failure. Invisible spies were watching him. He could not warn them by mail or send a messenger.

The king entrusted this matter to him because he was convinced that only he, d'Artagnan, would find his friends easier and faster than anyone else. As soon as he finds them, Colbert's bloodhounds following him will also find them, capture them and take them to the King, who, of course, will be deaf to any pleas. Or it is possible that they are tasked with killing his friends right away. Of course, with a sword in hand, it would not be easy for them to defeat the brave musketeers, but a treacherous shot in the back could end the lives of their beloved friends, and d’Artagnan could not allow this.

Without noticing where he was going, d'Artagnan came to the shop of his former servant Planchet.

- Monsieur d'Artagnan! - exclaimed Planchet. - How glad I am to see you here! Come in, settle down! You know that you can have lunch, breakfast and dinner with me whenever you want and completely free of charge!

“A wonderful opportunity, dear Planchet, especially since I never take advantage of it,” replied the captain of the musketeers. “But I shouldn’t have come to you.” I myself don’t understand why I did this.

- What are you saying, Mister Captain? - Planchet was horrified. - Has my home and my hospitality become a burden to you?

“I’m being watched, my friend, but I can’t identify these people, that’s the thing,” answered d’Artagnan. “Now they will be watching you too.”

- What a miracle! - Planchet waved him off. “Weren’t the cardinal’s spies watching us?” And these spies are no match for those spies. You forgot that I am very experienced in conspiracy, because I participated in the Fronde!

“Yes, you’re a master at hiding, I remember how cleverly you hid from my orders,” d’Artagnan laughed.

“Listen, Mister Captain,” Planchet said unexpectedly seriously. - Here's the key to the first room on the second floor. Go there and relax. In ten minutes your lunch will be brought to you. In twenty minutes I will come up to you and we will decide what to do.

“I have absolutely no appetite, my friend Planchet,” d’Artagnan waved him off.

“You complained that you were being followed, which means you were planning to take a trip that those who installed this surveillance should not have known about,” Planchet said. “Well, we’ll deceive those who are watching you so that you can go where you need to go without interference.” And before a long journey, you should always eat, because on the way you don’t know when and where else you will find a decent lunch.

“There is a lot of truth in your words, dear Planchet,” agreed d’Artagnan. “I think my appetite has already returned.” Tell me to carry what you have for this case and give me the key here.

After d'Artagnan had destroyed the roast partridge and half a bottle of Burgundy, Planchet entered the room.

“Mr. Captain, my boys, who serve in the kitchen and other minor affairs, have discovered that three officers are watching you at different ends of the street, blocking all your escape routes,” he said.

- Only three! - exclaimed d'Artagnan. “Shouldn’t I string them one by one on my sword?” However, nonsense, Colbert will send three more, or thirty-three, if he deems it necessary.

“I also thought that we wouldn’t achieve anything through bloodshed,” Planchet agreed. - Listen to what I came up with. I have a helper, his name is Francois. He is the same height as you, his gait also resembles yours. One day I saw him from behind and decided that it was you, and when I discovered that I was mistaken and it turned out that he was looking for work, I decided that this was the finger of fate, and immediately took him to the stable. I reasoned that the Lord created such a similarity in figure, posture and height for something.

- Brilliant, dear Planchet! - exclaimed d'Artagnan. - Call him quickly!

“You will exchange clothes, and he...” Planchet continued.

- Yes, my friend, yes! We will send him on the longest journey, but not longer than a month. - continued d'Artagnan with enthusiasm. - Call him!

- Francois, come in! - Planchet shouted, the doors opened and the one Planchet was talking about appeared on the threshold.

“The nose is too big, and the mustache is too black, mine is already completely gray,” noted d’Artagnan, “If you put on your face a mask like the one I recently had, then even Aramis would not distinguish him from me!”

“My Jeannette will sew a mask in ten minutes,” said Planchet, “she will only have to take your measurements.” Sprinkle the mustache with flour. As for the nose...

“Don’t tell me that my nose is the same or even bigger,” the captain laughed.

“I didn’t mean to say that,” Planchet lied without blinking an eye.

“Let Jeanette take Francois’s measurements,” ordered d’Artagnan, “and while she sews, I will give him some instructions.”

Mademoiselle Jeanette entered, made a curtsey and began to tenderly apply her tailor's yardstick to Francois's face. She took the measurements so delicately, and she herself was so young and fresh, that our captain repented that he had refused to have his face measured.

As soon as she disappeared through the door, d'Artagnan began to outline his plan.

“Dear Francois,” he said. — Do I understand correctly that you agree to make a short trip around France at my expense on my horse and in my costume?

“If these spies are not assigned to kill you,” answered Francois, “then my journey will be pleasant and educational.” If they have orders to kill you, then the journey will be even more exciting, but I am afraid of disappointing those who sent them, since not all of them will return.

- Bah, you’re a Gascon! - exclaimed d'Artagnan. “You can’t confuse Gascon speech with anything, just like Gascon courage, which people from other provinces mistakenly call bragging until they understand from the holes in their skin that this is just a statement of facts!”

“Mr. Planchet told me about you many times,” said Francois modestly, “my house was no further from yours than M. Planchet’s house is from the Louvre.”

“In that case, dear Francois,” asked the captain, “why is such a brave young man serving in the stables, and not asking me to become a musketeer?”

“Even though my parents belong to a noble family, they are completely ruined,” Francois answered simply. “I decided to conquer Paris, starting from the very bottom.” Working for Mr. Planchet, in three months I have almost saved up for full equipment; I just have to earn enough money to buy a good horse and an excellent sword, after which I will ask to join the company of guards. This will take no more than three months.

- A nobleman serves at Planchet? - the captain was surprised.

“Monsieur Perrin is riding my two horses,” Planchet said modestly. “And we agreed that I opened him a small loan, which he could repay whenever he wanted.”

- That's another matter! - exclaimed the captain. - So, you need to train Planchet’s horses for another three months?

“Three months and a week, Mr. Captain,” the young man answered modestly.

- This will take no more than a month, since for this month, Francois, you are hired by me at a triple rate. “I will personally choose your sword and horse,” answered d’Artagnan. “And for this month I will lend you my sword, my horse and all my equipment.” You will go towards Blois along the longest road. The spies will decide that you are going to the count, let’s not say his name, confusing their tracks. This is what they expect from me. They will follow you. But halfway you have to turn and go towards the Brassier estate, also winding as much as possible. Before reaching Brassier, you will again turn towards Blois, but you will go there along a different long road. For twenty-five to thirty days you should not be given the opportunity to look at your face and hear your voice, this is your task.

“The mask is already ready,” Planchet reported. - In an hour it will be dusk, my people will go home. I ordered them all to leave at the same time and go in different directions. You will also go out with them, wearing François’ clothes. Three spies will not be able to monitor everyone at the same time. At this very moment, Francois will leave the yard in your clothes and, spurring your horse, will rush in the indicated direction as quickly as possible.

“Three fools will rush after him, and I will head to where I should have been long ago,” said d’Artagnan. - Planchet, Francois, I am your debtor! In the meantime, here’s money for expenses,” with these words the captain threw a wallet on the table, although not too weighty, but containing enough gold, which would be enough for Francois’s two-month journey.

After this, the captain and Francois exchanged clothes and began to carry out Planchet's plan.

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Memoirs of Aramis, Book 8

Вадим Жмудь
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